FES Publications USA and Canada
A news services on current political, economic and cultural developments provided by the Washington Office of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation. Its target readership are German public officials, professionals, journalists, as well as researchers. FES Perspectives are mostly published in German and written by varying American and German experts.
Publications from the Digital Library
Wieland-Karimi, Almut; Hartmann, Bastian
Alle Jahre wieder - Rebellion der Maschinen
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Wieland-Karimi, Almut
Frühwahlstimmen en masse - ein Plus für Obama
Download publication (312 KB, PDF-File)
Panknin, Knut; Wieland-Karimi, Almut
Gewerkschaften im US-Wahlkampf
WashingtonDC;Bonn, 2008
Download publication (316 KB, PDF-File)
Wöhlert, Meike
Kanada wählt: Warum alt gleich neu ist, aber nicht ganz
Download publication (190 KB, PDF-File)
Wieland-Karimi, Almut; Panknin, Knut
Wahlkampf und Wall Street
WashingtonDC;Bonn, 2008
Download publication (125 KB, PDF-File)
Wieland-Karimi, Almut
Finanzen und Fernsehen
WashingtonDC;Bonn, 2008
Download publication (335 KB, PDF-File)
Wieland-Karimi, Almut
Das Phänomen Sarah Palin
WashingtonDC;Bonn, 2008
Download publication (340 KB, PDF-File)
Mützenich, Rolf
The League of Democracies
Washington, 2008, 2009
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Franz, Markus; Panknin, Knut
Southeast Washington
Washington, 2008, 2009
Download publication (365 KB, PDF-File)
Nautré, Zoé
US interests in the Arab world
Washington,DC;Bonn, 2008
Download publication (185 KB, PDF-File)
USA and Canada
The lighter side of Washington more
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