FES in Canada

The Washington Office coordinates programs in the US and Canada. To be able to work more effectively and sustainably in Canada, the Friedrich Ebert Foundation established a Liaison Officer in Canada in 2008, the only German political foundation to do so at the time. The Foundation’s objectives in Canada are to:

  • Build and maintain a network of partners and key individuals in the realm of Parliament, government, academia, think tanks, NGOs, international organizations, and the media.
  • Develop and organize conferences and seminars on themes that are important to both Germans/Europeans and Canadians, including on politics, society, economics, history or the environment.
  • Research and analyse political information from Canada for its Washington office and its Berlin headquarters.

Every year, FES Canada co-organizes a number of events with Canadian partners, some as expert meetings, some as public discussions. Topics have ranged from the Canada-EU trade agreement CETA, to multilateralism in international affairs, to the three Es (energy, economy and environment), to the Arctic as a national versus international space.


| Event, Canada

Conference: Presented by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany, and the Canadian Anti-Hate Network.


06.04.2021 | Event, Canada, Security, Economy, Energy

The Female Face of the Populist & Far Right


| News, Event, Canada, Security, Economy, Energy

EVENT | January 20, 2021


Latest Publications

| Publication, Canada

Bei den Trucker-Protesten in Kanada geht es nicht um Corona-Maßnahmen, sondern um einen rechten Aufstand.


| Publication, Canada

The protests were never about truckers, vaccine mandates, or Covid restrictions. Instead, they exposed the threat of home-grown right-wing extremism


| Publication, Canada

The Canadian snap election is meant to consolidate the power of the Liberals, yet it seems the Social Democrats could be victorious


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