
560 results:
1. Team  
Reinhard Krumm Representative to the U.S. and Canada  Dr. Reinhard Krumm was born in Hamburg, Germany. 1991 to 1998 he worked as a journalist in the former Soviet…  
2. Singleview  
Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung USA and Canada WASHINGTON, DC +1 202-478-4390 fesdc[at] OTTAWA, ON +1 202-478-4390 canada[at]  
23.07.2024 | Blog-aD | Blog-aD
Der Supreme Court verwirft Chevron Doktrin - Wird Amerika nun unregierbar?
Der Oberste Gerichtshof der Vereinigten Staaten macht immer wieder mit umstrittenen Gerichtsurteilen auf sich aufmerksam, und das insbesondere seit der ersten Amtszeit des Ex-Präsidenten und…  
19.07.2024 | Blog-iE | Blog-iE
Transatlantic Conference on “The Future of the Transatlantic Relationship: NATO and Democracy on the Ballot.”
On Wednesday, July 10, parallel to the NATO summit in Washington celebrating NATO’s 75th anniversary, the FES USA & Canada hosted a Transatlantic Conference.  
15.07.2024 | Blog-aD | Blog-aD
"Trump wird das nicht durchhalten"
Nach dem gescheiterten Attentat gibt sich Donald Trump betont präsidial.  
17.06.2024 | Blog-iE | Blog-iE
Progress Summit 2024: Making the Good Society
In April, the Broadbent Institute hosted the annual Progress Summit in Ottawa, bringing together progressive thinkers, elected politicians, activists, and labor union members to discuss a path…  
7. Internships & Scholarship Programs  
Praktikum @ FES Washington, DC Für Studierende und junge B.A. Studienabsolvent_innen besteht die Möglichkeit, ein Praktikum im Washingtoner Büro der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung zu absolvieren. Wir…  
21.05.2024 | Blog-iE | Blog-iE
Riding the wave
Trade unions traditionally have a hard time mobilising in the US. However, recent successes in the automotive industry give cause for hope.  
9. Home  
Multimedia Get more videos from our playlist on the FES Washington DC Channel Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung USA and Canada WASHINGTON, DC +1 202-478-4390 fesdc[at] OTTAWA, ON +1…  
15.05.2024 | Blog-iE | Blog-iE
Protecting Workers and Defending Democracy in Today’s Digital Era
In 2024, more than 2 billion voters across 50 countries—including in the United States, the European Union, and India—will head to the polls in a record-breaking number of elections around the world.  
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