Pluralism and Democracy

The progressive left in the United States is harnessing the power of a grassroots political movement to change the way the country thinks about politics. The performance of Bernie Sanders in the Democratic primary in the 2016 Presidential Election and subsequent meteoric rise of politicians like Rep. Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez and Senator Elizabeth Warren have demonstrated that ideas that were once considered fringe political ideas are moving into the mainstream. The FES accompanies these political movements acting as an interlocutor and convener of voices from both sides of the Atlantic to promote issues of fairness and equality.


| Event, Economy, Energy

Join an international panel discussion on the green revolution and forging toward a "just transition" that centers workers in a shift from fossil…


06.04.2021 | Event, Canada, Security, Economy, Energy

The Female Face of the Populist & Far Right


| News, Event, Canada, Security, Economy, Energy

EVENT | January 20, 2021


Latest Publications

08.04.2022 | Publication, Security, Energy

What are the prospects of a reinvented transatlantic partnership between the US and Germany?


30.06.2021 | Publication, Economy, Energy

A Harsh Mirage Absent A Fundamental Revolution


18.12.2020 | Publication, Security, Energy

Germany and the United States differ in their approaches to Russia’s energy trade with Europe, giving rise to a potential stumbling block over Nord…


USA and Canada


Progressive Politics

Knut Panknin

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