FES Publications USA and Canada

05.10.2020 | Spotlight, Blog-iE

The 2020 election in the United States is a critical juncture. Will Americans embrace social democracy or democratic socialism during the 2020…


18.09.2020 | Blog-aD, Canada

Während die Tage allmählich kürzer werden und der Wind kühler wird, sehen sich die aus ihren Sommerferien zurückgekehrten Kanadier_innen auf einmal…


15.09.2020 | Blog-iE, Canada

As the days gradually get shorter and the breeze cooler, Canadians are returning from their summer vacations to find a much-changed political scene…


09.09.2020 | News, Spotlight

Kurt Beck, the Chairman of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung proposed former President of the European Parliament and Chairman of the Social Democratic…


31.08.2020 | Blog-aD, Spotlight

Ein Interview mit Izmira Violet Aitch über Milwaukee, die Auswirkungen von COVID-19 in den Vereinigten Staaten und die politische Bedeutung der…


| Publication

Die Hälfte des virtuellen Parteitags der US-Demokraten ist vorbei, Joe Biden als Präsidentschaftskandidat nominiert. Aber berührt er auch die Herzen…


18.08.2020 | Blog-iE, Spotlight

An interview with Izmira Violet Aitch about Milwaukee, the impact of COVID-19 in the United States, and the political importance of the present-day…


| Publication

Joe Biden hat sich entschieden. Gewinnt er im Herbst die Wahl, soll eine Vizepräsidentin mit ihm zusammen das Land und die Regierung führen. Doch wer…


23.07.2020 | Blog-iE, News, Spotlight

The 2020 Election | Progressive Views on a Historical Turning Point


09.07.2020 | Blog-iE, Canada

As we all settle into the new normal, women’s lived experience in Canada tells us that this pandemic is far from gender neutral – and our response…


A news services on current political, economic and cultural developments provided by the Washington Office of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation. Its target readership are German public officials, professionals, journalists, as well as researchers. FES Perspectives are mostly published in German and written by varying American and German experts.

Publications from the Digital Library

Beyond the climate tech arms race

Talbot Zorn, Justin

Beyond the climate tech arms race

US-EU cooperation in the net-zero transition
WashingtonDC, 2024

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Kanada : Gewerkschaftsmonitor

Kanada : Gewerkschaftsmonitor

Berlin, 2023, 2021:

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USA : Gewerkschaftsmonitor

USA : Gewerkschaftsmonitor

Berlin, 2023, 2021:

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Canada : trade union monitor

Canada : trade union monitor

Berlin, 2023

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The red wave that wasn't

Kantor, Dorian B.; Caneva Zárate, Gerardo; Meléndrez, Diana S.

The red wave that wasn't

Why the 2022 U.S. midterm elections broke the mold
WashingtonDC, 2023

Download publication (250 KB, PDF-File)

Bucking the trend?

Hill-Davis, Kodiak

Bucking the trend?

An analysis of the 2022 midterm elections
WashingtonDC, 2022

Download publication (200 KB, PDF-File)

Gegen den Trend?

Hill-Davis, Kodiak

Gegen den Trend?

Eine Analyse der US-Zwischenwahlen 2022
WashingtonDC, 2022

Download publication (230 KB, PDF-File)

Restoration or reinvention?

Klüver, Leonie

Restoration or reinvention?

The transatlantic relationship under President Biden and Chancellor Scholz
WashingtonDC, 2022

Download publication (150 KB, PDF-File)

Not against China, but for democracy

Schmid, Nils

Not against China, but for democracy

A transatlantic approach
WashingtonDC, 2021

Download publication (100 KB, PDF-File)

Just transition in the U.S.

Tasini, Jonathan

Just transition in the U.S.

A harsh mirage absent a fundamental revolution
WashingtonDC, 2021

Download publication (0,8 MB, PDF-File)

USA and Canada

+1 202-478-4390

+1 202-478-4390

The lighter side of Washington more

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