FES Publications USA and Canada

12.10.2022 | Blog-iE, Security

From September 19 to 25 FES Washington welcomed Board Members of the JUSOS to discuss the Midterms, Russia's War in Ukraine, and the Zeitenwende...


A news services on current political, economic and cultural developments provided by the Washington Office of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation. Its target readership are German public officials, professionals, journalists, as well as researchers. FES Perspectives are mostly published in German and written by varying American and German experts.

Publications from the Digital Library

Paradigmenwechsel in der Sozialpolitik?

Panknin, Knut

Paradigmenwechsel in der Sozialpolitik?

Das US-amerikanische Konjunkturpaket und die Gewerkschaften
WashingtonDC;Bonn, 2009

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Kanada: kann der Energiegigant die neuen Hürden nehmen?

Ritter, Susanne

Kanada: kann der Energiegigant die neuen Hürden nehmen?

WashingtonDC;Bonn, 2009

Download publication (190 KB, PDF-File)

Obamas fulminanter Start in schweren Zeiten

Wieland-Karimi, Almut

Obamas fulminanter Start in schweren Zeiten

WashingtonDC;Bonn, 2009

Download publication (140 KB, PDF-File)

Per SMS ins Weiße Haus

Graff, Garrett M.

Per SMS ins Weiße Haus

Obama und die Neuen Medien
Washington,DC;Bonn, 2009

Download publication (240 KB, PDF-File)

Jahresbericht 2008 - Büro der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung USA und Kanada

Wieland-Karimi, Almut

Jahresbericht 2008 - Büro der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung USA und Kanada

Washington,DC;Bonn, 2009

Download publication (196 KB, PDF-File)

20. Januar 2009 - zum Amtsantritt von Barack Obama

Wieland-Karimi, Almut

20. Januar 2009 - zum Amtsantritt von Barack Obama

WashingtonDC;Bonn, 2009

Download publication (315 KB, PDF-File)

Fokus Amerika

Washington,DC,2006, 2006ff.-MirroredbyFESLibrary,Bonn

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Fokus Amerika

Washington,DC,2006, 2006ff.-MirroredbyFESLibrary,Bonn

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Religion and state relationships

DeBartolo, David M.; Kadlec, Amanda

Religion and state relationships

a Middle East, U.S. and EU "trialogue"
Washington,DC, 2008, 2009

Download publication (340 KB, PDF-File)

Shared values

Nietan, Dietmar

Shared values

a free market of religion in the United States of America ; a blessing and a curse
Washington, 2008, 2009

Download publication (254 KB, PDF-File)

USA and Canada

+1 202-478-4390

+1 202-478-4390

The lighter side of Washington more

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