FES Publications USA and Canada

09.09.2016 | Spotlight, News

The ‘FES Spotlight Elections’ is a series that presents short opinion pieces on social and economic policy topics that are playing a role in the…


06.09.2016 | Spotlight, News

The ‘FES Spotlight Elections’ is a series that presents short opinion pieces on social and economic policy topics that are playing a role in the…


04.08.2016 | Spotlight, News

Latinos for Trump and Hillary are two sides of the same coin


25.07.2016 | Spotlight, News

Millennials Call for Action


18.07.2016 | Spotlight, News

With a contentious campaign 2016 and a summer of turmoil, America and the world ask what's next


15.07.2016 | Spotlight

Opportunities for reforming the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) and the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP)


06.07.2016 | Publication, Security, News

Summary of an Israeli-American-German Trialogue


09.06.2016 | Spotlight, News

For nearly forty years European democracies have grappled with right-wing populist parties. Beginning in the late 1970s with the rise of so-called…


08.06.2016 | Spotlight, Event, Canada

Post Conference News: TEDstyle Talk by Clare Demerse



19.05.2016 | Publication, Security

A Comparative Perspective



A news services on current political, economic and cultural developments provided by the Washington Office of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation. Its target readership are German public officials, professionals, journalists, as well as researchers. FES Perspectives are mostly published in German and written by varying American and German experts.

Publications from the Digital Library

Beyond the climate tech arms race

Talbot Zorn, Justin

Beyond the climate tech arms race

US-EU cooperation in the net-zero transition
WashingtonDC, 2024

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Kanada : Gewerkschaftsmonitor

Kanada : Gewerkschaftsmonitor

Berlin, 2023, 2021:

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USA : Gewerkschaftsmonitor

USA : Gewerkschaftsmonitor

Berlin, 2023, 2021:

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Canada : trade union monitor

Canada : trade union monitor

Berlin, 2023

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The red wave that wasn't

Kantor, Dorian B.; Caneva Zárate, Gerardo; Meléndrez, Diana S.

The red wave that wasn't

Why the 2022 U.S. midterm elections broke the mold
WashingtonDC, 2023

Download publication (250 KB, PDF-File)

Bucking the trend?

Hill-Davis, Kodiak

Bucking the trend?

An analysis of the 2022 midterm elections
WashingtonDC, 2022

Download publication (200 KB, PDF-File)

Gegen den Trend?

Hill-Davis, Kodiak

Gegen den Trend?

Eine Analyse der US-Zwischenwahlen 2022
WashingtonDC, 2022

Download publication (230 KB, PDF-File)

Restoration or reinvention?

Klüver, Leonie

Restoration or reinvention?

The transatlantic relationship under President Biden and Chancellor Scholz
WashingtonDC, 2022

Download publication (150 KB, PDF-File)

Not against China, but for democracy

Schmid, Nils

Not against China, but for democracy

A transatlantic approach
WashingtonDC, 2021

Download publication (100 KB, PDF-File)

Just transition in the U.S.

Tasini, Jonathan

Just transition in the U.S.

A harsh mirage absent a fundamental revolution
WashingtonDC, 2021

Download publication (0,8 MB, PDF-File)

USA and Canada

+1 202-478-4390

+1 202-478-4390

The lighter side of Washington more

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