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560 results:
03.09.2021 | Publication | Publication
CALL FOR APPLICATIONS: 2021 Media Fellowship Project
Seizing the Moment : Progressive Possibilities in Transatlantic Politics - DEADLINE EXTENDED! Apply by September 13, 2021  
01.09.2021 | Blog-iE | Blog-iE
Germany's Super Election Year - the countdown, the polls, and the candidates
As the Federal Election approaches, Germany's Super Election Year is shaping up to be a nail-biter. The latest #KnutsLogbook, this week from Hamburg.  
133. Trudeau's election gamble  
The Canadian snap election is meant to consolidate the power of the Liberals, yet it seems the Social Democrats could be victorious  
134. Pandemischer Wahlpoker  
Justin Trudeau spielt mit der Ausrufung von Neuwahlen auf einen Ausbau seiner Machtposition. Die kanadischen Sozialdemokraten könnten davon profitieren.  
10.08.2021 | Blog-iE | Blog-iE
Transatlantic trade cooperation: a lever for environmental and labor protection?
If the pitfalls of the last attempted transatlantic trade deal are avoided, this could be a vehicle for improving standards.  
05.08.2021 | Blog-iE, News | Blog-iE, News
The FES Mourns the Death of Richard Trumka
The President of the AFL-CIO, Richard Trumka, passed away unexpectedly at age 72.  
27.07.2021 | Blog-iE | Blog-iE
Case Study Saxony-Anhalt?
On June 6, voters cast their ballots in the East-German State of Saxony-Anhalt. What if any lessons can be drawn for the vote in September?  
22.07.2021 | Blog-iE | Blog-iE
The long and winding road to global corporate tax justice
In theory, the Biden administration and the EU can collaborate to end multinational tax abuse. In practice, it’s not that simple.  
22.07.2021 | Publication | Publication
Deutschland, die USA und Nord Stream 2
Deutschland und die USA gehen sehr unterschiedlich an den Energiehandel von Russland mit Europa heran, wodurch Nord Stream 2, die inzwischen fast fertiggestellte unterseeische Erdgasleitung zwischen…  
13.07.2021 | Publication | Publication
Not Against China, But For Democracy
China‘s development is intensifying the great power competition with the United States and driving the polarization of the international system. Now is the time for a sovereign Europe that speaks…  
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