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560 results:
151. Just Transition Strategies: Workers and the Green Revolution  
Join an international panel discussion on the green revolution and forging toward a "just transition" that centers workers in a shift from fossil fuels and toward climate resiliency.  
11.06.2021 | Blog-iE | Blog-iE
Knuts Logbook | Germany’s Super Election Year - Case Study Saxony-Anhalt
What is Saxony-Anhalt? What do the recent election results mean, and do they matter? What are the key takeaways from the June 6th election?  
10.06.2021 | Blog-aD | Blog-aD
KNUTS LOGBUCH | Zurück zum 'Yes-We-Can'?
Nach 15 Monaten fanden die ersten persönlichen politischen Gespräche im Weißen Haus statt. Und auch die FES DC konnte ihren ersten Besucher für politische Gespräche empfangen.  
09.06.2021 | Blog-iE | Blog-iE
Defending democratic values
The cement for a new transatlantic relationship should be a common commitment to democracy in a world of rising authoritarian challenges.  
09.06.2021 | Blog-iE | Blog-iE
What is NATO For?
Since the end of the cold war, NATO has struggled to find a role. It can find it in a focus on human security.  
156. The Forecast of One German State Election : What the state-level results in Saxony-Anhalt could mean for Germany's federal elections in September  
Together with The European Institute at Columbia University, we present the second installment of our mini-series on the German Super Election Year 2021  
157. Ermordung von George Floyd: „Wir sind noch mittendrin in der Debatte.“  
Vor einem Jahr wurde der Afro-Amerikaner George Floyd von einem weißen Polizisten ermordet. Wie hat die Tat die USA verändert? Was tut Präsident Joe Biden gegen den Rassismus im Land?  
158. Die Gespaltenen Staaten von Amerika  
Woher kommen der Unmut und die Wut, die sich am 6. Januar 2021 explosionsartig mitten in Washington, D.C. entluden? Welche gesellschaftlichen Spannungen und Spaltungen stecken dahinter?  
25.05.2021 | Event | Event
The First 100 Days : A New U.S. Government, A New Foreign Policy?
Watch highlights and the full-length video of a Congress - Bundestag exchange with the Honorable Congressman Brendan Boyle and The Honorable Nils Schmid, MdB, in conversation with Cathryn Clüver…  
Search results 151 until 160 of 560