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560 results:
18.11.2020 | Publication | Publication
The 9/11 Era Is Now History
What Comes Next for U.S. Foreign Policy  
18.11.2020 | Blog-iE | Blog-iE
On Cat Content and Whether the Left can Mobilize Through Humor
An interview with Ethan Zuckerman, a scholar, blogger and internet expert, about the internet phenomenon of cute cats and if the left can use humor for political mobilization  
17.11.2020 | Blog-iE | Blog-iE
Gritty debates, Imposters and K-Pop armies: 10 pop culture moments that defined the 2020 election
How did political entertainment - politainment - create change in the historically high stakes of the 2020 elections?  
11.11.2020 | Blog-iE | Blog-iE
Freedom, Fairness, and the 2020 General Election
Joe Biden was declared the winner of the 2020 race for President - Donald Trump refuses to concede and insists on sowing doubt on the election as a free and fair contest. How free and fair was the…  
10.11.2020 | Publication | Publication
Time for Democrats to join forces across the Atlantic
The US and the Biden-Harris administration will need friends and allies for the way forward. The EU and its Member States could offer a helping hand.  
09.11.2020 | Spotlight, Blog-aD, Blog-iE | Spotlight, Blog-aD, Blog-iE
Taking Stock after A Historic Election
Review highlights and the full discussion the day after the presidential election  
09.11.2020 | Blog-iE | Blog-iE
Congratulations Joe Biden and Kamala Harris
Not just a victory for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris - but a victory for democracy.  
09.11.2020 | Blog-aD | Blog-aD
Herzlichen Glückwunsch USA
Nicht nur ein Sieg für Joe Biden, sondern auch ein Sieg für die Demokratie! Knut Dethlefsen über eine historische US Wahl.  
239. Das Ende von America First  
Unter Präsident Biden können die USA ihre gesellschaftlichen Wunden heilen und die Zusammenarbeit mit Europa neustarten.  
240. US-Präsidentschaftswahl: „Donald Trump wird mit viel Getöse gehen.“  
Aus Sicht von Knut Dethlefsen von der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung hat Joe Biden jedoch bereits einen beachtlichen Erfolg erzielt – und wird am Ende auch ins Weiße Haus einziehen.  
Search results 231 until 240 of 560