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560 results:
26.10.2020 | Blog-iE, News | Blog-iE, News
The FES Mourns the Death of Thomas Oppermann
The SPD Parliamentarian and Vice President of the German Bundestag, Thomas Oppermann, died unexpectedly during the night of October 26, aged 66.  
26.10.2020 | Blog-aD, News | Blog-aD, News
Wir trauern um Thomas Oppermann
Völlig unerwartet ist Thomas Oppermann in der Nacht zum 26. Oktober in Göttingen im Alter von 66 Jahren verstorben.  
253. In Whose Interest? Gender and Far-Right Politics in the United States  
This report examines women’s and gender politics in the U.S. in the context of far-right nationalist populism and extremism, in three parts. First, it looks at gendered framings in the Tea Party,…  
25.10.2020 | Event, News | Event, News
Women in Politics | Leadership and Political Participation
Hon. Katarina Barley (MEP); Amb. Melanne Verveer and HuffPosts Amanda Terkel  
22.10.2020 | Blog-iE | Blog-iE
Is social democracy on the agenda for the 2020 election?
Whether or not elements of Biden’s agenda are social democratic, his platform includes proposals in the social democratic tradition.  
256. US-Präsidentschaftswahl: „Die Corona-Pandemie ist das bestimmende Thema“  
Die USA steuern auf eine Rekord-Beteiligung an der Präsidentschaftswahl zu. Aus Sicht des Büroleiters der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung in Washington, Knut Dethlefsen, könnte Corona die Wahl entscheiden.  
21.10.2020 | Blog-iE | Blog-iE
Freedom is why Black Lives Matter
The US presidential election highlights the gap between the promise of freedom and justice and reality for African-Americans fueling the recent protests.  
21.10.2020 | Blog-iE | Blog-iE
The Teacher Unions Reinvigorating Progressive Politics
As a hallmark of America’s resurgent labor movement, teacher unions have turned their influence into political power that confronts conventional policy approaches.  
20.10.2020 | Blog-aD, News | Blog-aD, News
Knuts Logbuch: Die US-Wahlen haben begonnen!
Über 29 Millionen Wählerinnen und Wähler haben ihre Stimme schon in Wahllokalen oder per Briefwahl abgegeben. Das sind sechsmal so viele wie zur gleichen Zeit im Oktober 2016! Lässt sich daraus ein…  
15.10.2020 | Blog-iE, Spotlight | Blog-iE, Spotlight
Who will decide the 2020 election—and what do they believe?
The 2020 contest between Donald Trump and Joe Biden is far from over, yet a look at the fundamentals of the election suggests it may not end up as one the country’s close races.  
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