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560 results:
14.10.2020 | Blog-iE, Publication | Blog-iE, Publication
Are there any persuadable voters left in the US?
‘White working-class men’ are seen as the hard core of Trump’s support, yet a big group of working-class voters—black, brown and white—are persuadable.  
13.10.2020 | Blog-iE, Publication | Blog-iE, Publication
Reviving transatlantic relations after Trump
If Joe Biden were to win the White House, transatlantic relations could return to default or be transformed—with much depending on how Europe reacted.  
09.10.2020 | Blog-aD, News | Blog-aD, News
Knuts Logbuch: Joe Bidens "Build Back Better" Agenda
Das Programm mit dem Joe Biden die USA aus der Krise führen möchte, ist wahrscheinlich das progressivste, mit dem jemals ein demokratischer Präsidentschaftsbewerber ins Rennen gegangen ist.  
09.10.2020 | Blog-iE, Spotlight | Blog-iE, Spotlight
What does declining union membership mean for the 2020 U.S. election?
Support for unions is high and rising. Yet unionization rates in the United States continue to slide. Why?  
265. Beyond the Campaign Trail: The Future of the American Presidency  
Part 3 of the Road to Election Night and Beyond #R2EN is Friday, October 9, 9AM Eastern  
05.10.2020 | Spotlight, Blog-iE | Spotlight, Blog-iE
Will Americans embrace social democracy during the 2020 elections—or ever?
The 2020 election in the United States is a critical juncture. Will Americans embrace social democracy or democratic socialism during the 2020 elections—or ever?  
03.10.2020 | Blog-iE | Blog-iE
“30 years on, we know that German unity is not yet complete”
Wolfgang Thierse on the day after the formal unification of the two German states and the first common German Bundestag debate  
30.09.2020 | Blog-iE | Blog-iE
Looking For America
How can Americans find a shared identity together? What does it mean to be an American? What is the common thing that binds Americans together, that can be a source of pride and agreement?  
269. Biden gegen Trump: Worauf es beim ersten Fernsehduell ankommt  
Am Dienstagabend (Ortszeit) kommt es zum ersten TV-Duell zwischen US-Präsident Donald Trump und seinem Herausforderer Joe Biden. Für letzteren geht es vor allem darum, keine Fehler zu machen. Dann…  
24.09.2020 | Blog-aD, News | Blog-aD, News
Kippt der Senat, hat Joe freie Hand
KNUTS LOGBUCH zum Stand der Chancen der Demokraten, die Mehrheit im Senat zu gewinnen.  
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