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560 results:
341. Who can defeat Trump?  
Sanders, Biden, Warren? With the race in Iowa too tight to call, there's just one winner so far: American social democracy -by Harlod Meyerson  
07.01.2020 | Blog-iE | Blog-iE
Germany’s Zeitenwende of 1989-90 and its contemporary European reverberations
Sepia images of the historical sweep via the fall of the Berlin wall to the reunification of Germany, and so of Europe, look much clearer than today’s turning point.  
12.12.2019 | Event | Event
EVENT VIDEO: One Year into the United States' Maximum Pressure Campaign on Iran
The Atlantic Council’s Future of Iran Initiative and the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) panel discussion assessing the impact and strategic implications of the United States’ “maximum pressure”…  
18.11.2019 | Event | Event
Expert roundtable: Gender in Political Party Formation
The FES, in cooperation with the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and the National Democratic Institute present an expert roundtable in Washington, DC.  
14.11.2019 | Event | Event
The 10th Annual Turkey Conference
December 4, 2019 | Co-organized with the Middle East Institute  
09.11.2019 | Event | Event
Conference Summary & Video
To commemorate and celebrate the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall and the peaceful revolution in Central and Eastern Europe, the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Washington Office organized…  
08.11.2019 | Event | Event
1989 | Commemorating the fall of the Berlin Wall and the end of the Cold War, Reflecting upon our Political Present
Join us on November 9th! Information and Registration here  
349. Peace and Security Anlysis  
ONE YEAR AFTER THE RE-IMPOSITION OF SANCTIONS | Perspectives on the strategic implications of the US »maximum pressure« campaign against Iran  
350. Labor and Social Justice Study: Taking Stock of CETA  
An analysis paper on the latest developments in EU-Canada trade  
Search results 341 until 350 of 560