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560 results:
401. The Past and Future of Progressive Transatlantic Politics  
Public Event w/ Prof. Norman Birnbaum, MP Rolf Mützenich, and MEP Reinhard Bütikofer - April 9, 2018, 12:00 PM  
402. Marx at 200: A Symposium  
The 200th anniversary of his birth offers occasion to reconsider Marx both as a historical actor and as a thinker.  
403. A president just like Trump?  
Donald Trump likes to liken himself to former US president Andrew Jackson. But does the comparison really hold?  
404. When Uncle Sam stays at home  
Trump’s ‘America First’ policy is prompting other countries to take leadership on an array of issues – and that’s no bad thing  
405. What is to be Done? Germany between Islamic Extremism and Islamophobia  
An Action Plan submitted by a commission established by the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung  
406. Equal pay? Happy days  
The #MeToo movement and the global financial recovery | By Christine Lagarde and Erna Solberg  
407. Iron Fist, Velvet Glove  
Trump’s Maiden State of the Union Address Pleaded for Unity – and Unprecedented Presidential Powers  
408. Providing Security in Times of Uncertainty  
Opting for a Mosaic Security System  
09.01.2018 | Event, News | Event, News
Building Peace in Times of Growing Insecurity
EVENT in DC, January 17, in cooperation with the United States Institute of Peace (USIP)  
410. Germany and the US in the age of Trump  
Why the transatlantic relationship is still worth fighting for - By Pia Bungarten, Michèle Auga, Michael Meier, and Jochen Steinhilber  
Search results 401 until 410 of 560