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560 results:
421. Turkey and Germany: Approaching a Breaking Point?  
Relations between Turkey and Germany, already on a steady decline, reached a low point in the aftermath of the arrest of Turkish-born German writer Dogan Akhanli.  
08.08.2017 | Spotlight | Spotlight
Selective Perception: Explaining Political Communication under Trump
Why do we see a change in political communication under Trump? Dr. Knüpfer explains why we need a new paradigm to explain communication dynamics.  
12.06.2017 | Spotlight, News | Spotlight, News
Making American Higher Education Social Democratic: Rethinking New York’s Excelsior Scholarship
Affordability in higher education has been put on many a political pedestal, yet no federal solution exists. Could New York be the model to follow?  
424. Right-Wing Populism and Authoritarian Nationalism in the U.S. and Europe  
Despite recent setbacks, right-wing populism continues to challenge liberal democracies. It can be read as a revolt of those who consider themselves losers of, or feel threatened by, socially…  
22.05.2017 | News, Spotlight | News, Spotlight
‘Relax, Gringo, I’m Legal’: Mexican Migration Issues under Trump
Demonizing Mexican immigrants and building a wall were central to Trump's election. How has it impacted lives here at home and relations with Mexico?  
12.05.2017 | News, Spotlight | News, Spotlight
America Adapts to Climate Change and President Trump
As the Trump administration abandons US commitment to climate and environmental protection, who will fill the gap?  
08.05.2017 | Event | Event
Isolationism vs. Multilateralism | 100 Years on the Global Stage
Monday, May 8th, 2017 | 2:00 - 3:30 pm @ The Wilson Center  
07.05.2017 | Spotlight, News | Spotlight, News
Role of Public Health on the Line
Andrew Zapfel discusses the importance of a continued commitment to science based health policies at home and around the world.  
03.05.2017 | Spotlight, News | Spotlight, News
Overpromising and Underdelivering: Health Care Reform During Trump’s First 100 Days
An analysis of the new administration's signature legislative priority, "repealing and replacing" Obamacare.  
27.04.2017 | News, Spotlight | News, Spotlight
The Future of U.S. Foreign Assistance
Trump's First 100 Days: Will cutting foreign aid undermine American hegemony?  
Search results 421 until 430 of 560