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560 results:
25.04.2017 | Spotlight, News | Spotlight, News
From the Outside In
Trump's First 100 Days: What does the Trump presidency mean for race relations in the U.S.? Mary Curtis discusses the uncertainties going forward.  
432. Deutsche Ostpolitik aus Sicht der Partner  
Nach anfänglicher Sorge vor einem Wiedererstarken Deutschlands nach der Wiedervereinigung wuchsen mit der Zeit die Erwartungen an Deutschland, sich außenpolitisch gemäß seinem wirtschaftlichen und…  
433. Quest for a New Progressive Vision  
In an Era of Populism and Fake News  
11.04.2017 | Spotlight, News | Spotlight, News
"So show your love for the alien, for you were aliens in the land of Egypt" (Deut 10:19)
Lessons from the history of refugee policies for the policy makers of today who wish to make America great (again).  
31.03.2017 | Event | Event
The Toronto Conference on Germany | Populism, Immigration, and Elections
Saturday, April 8, 2017 | 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM @ The Munk School of Global Affairs  
29.03.2017 | News, Spotlight | News, Spotlight
Yasmin Fahimi, State Secretary at the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs
Speaks on Social Injustice, Social Policies, as well as the Transatlantic Relationship.  
21.03.2017 | News, Spotlight | News, Spotlight
SPOTLIGHT Interview: A Legacy of Welcoming Boldly
Keep America welcoming. Refugee resettlement is a proud American legacy with bipartisan support. #WelcomeBoldly  
438. There Is No Alternative  
Why Germany’s Right-Wing Populists Are Losing Steam (published in Foreign Affairs, March 10, 2017)  
27.02.2017 | News, Spotlight | News, Spotlight
The Women's March: Progressive Coalition Building in the Trump Era
Women's March organizer speaks out about the importance of energizing and mobilizing today’s youth for social justice, equality, and inclusiveness.  
23.02.2017 | News, Spotlight | News, Spotlight
Trump’s Muslim Travel Ban Makes Americans and the World Less Safe
Part Two of a three-part critical analysis of President Trump's controversial immigration ban: the policy perspective  
Search results 431 until 440 of 560