
171 results:
24.11.2020 | Blog-iE | Blog-iE
"You are doing amazing, sweetie": How a reality TV star is working for prison reform
Kim Kardashian West can now add legal advocate and political activist to her many pop culture credentials.  
02.11.2020 | Blog-iE | Blog-iE
This Election, California’s Proposition 22 Puts the Future of Labor on the Ballot
Silicon Valley’s largest tech companies have bombarded California voters’ social media accounts, text messages and TV stations lobbying for a specific vision of the future of labor.  
18.11.2020 | Blog-iE | Blog-iE
On Cat Content and Whether the Left can Mobilize Through Humor
An interview with Ethan Zuckerman, a scholar, blogger and internet expert, about the internet phenomenon of cute cats and if the left can use humor for political mobilization  
07.07.2021 | Blog-iE | Blog-iE
How many inequalities can the world fight at the same time?
Intersectionality can help frame the complexity of progressive politics in the context of a new transatlantic partnership.  
09.11.2016 | Publication, News | Publication, News
Panik und ungläubiges Staunen
Die USA unter einem Präsidenten Trump. Ein Stimmungsbild aus Washington D.C. am Tag nach den Wahlen  
09.10.2020 | Blog-aD, News | Blog-aD, News
Knuts Logbuch: Joe Bidens "Build Back Better" Agenda
Das Programm mit dem Joe Biden die USA aus der Krise führen möchte, ist wahrscheinlich das progressivste, mit dem jemals ein demokratischer Präsidentschaftsbewerber ins Rennen gegangen ist.  
15.11.2016 | Publication, News | Publication, News
Trump and Democracy in America
Right-wing populists benefit from the morals of cosmopolitanism. It's time for rethinking.  
22.05.2017 | News, Spotlight | News, Spotlight
‘Relax, Gringo, I’m Legal’: Mexican Migration Issues under Trump
Demonizing Mexican immigrants and building a wall were central to Trump's election. How has it impacted lives here at home and relations with Mexico?  
19.11.2012 | Spotlight | Spotlight
Obama und die Renaissance des Ground level-Campaigning
Wahlkampf in den USA ist für einen ausländischen Beobachter eine Erfahrung ganz eigener Art und wirkt ein wenig wie Las Vegas: grell und bunt, laut und teuer. Man taucht ein in die schillernde Welt  
03.12.2020 | Blog-iE, Spotlight | Blog-iE, Spotlight
The Biden victory and the future of the center-left
Postwar global progress has hinged on a transatlantic alliance of progressive parties. The election in the United States potentially opens a new chapter.  
Search results 41 until 50 of 171