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560 results:
02.02.2016 | Event | Event
Focus Middle East: Syria
A public panel discussion | February 2, 2016  
01.02.2016 | Publication, News | Publication, News
Integration in den USA - Einwanderungsland par excellence
FES Briefing  
01.02.2016 | Publication, News | Publication, News
Integration in Kanada – Konzepte eines traditionellen Einwanderungslandes
FES Briefing  
11.01.2016 | Spotlight, News | Spotlight, News
Yes, he (still) can!
Was Barack Obama in seinem letzten Jahr noch erreichen kann.  
21.12.2015 | Spotlight, News | Spotlight, News
Alles nur GeCETA?
Oder könnte die Kritik am Handelsabkommen zu Nachverhandlungen führen?  
03.12.2015 | Event | Event
6th Annual Conference on Turkey
National Press Club, Washington, DC, USA  
497. Migratory and Refugee Movements in and from the Horn of Africa  
The Horn of Africa – in the broader sense Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia, Kenya, the Sudan/South Sudan – has been an epicentre of immense migratory and refugee movements  
498. China’s Role in Climate Change Negotiations  
China's 13th five-year plan (FYP) period (2016–2020) is crucial for the country.  
24.11.2015 | Spotlight | Spotlight
Solidarity Is Not a One-Way Street
MP Rolf Mützenich discusses the refugee crisis, the war in Syria, and the role of values in foreign policy.  
19.11.2015 | Event | Event
Justice Mechanisms in the Syrian Conflict: Impunity under Scrutiny
Atlantic Council, Washington, DC, USA  
Search results 491 until 500 of 560