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560 results:
22.10.2014 | Event | Event
Meeting on Re-Industrialization
This event was co-organized by the Center for American Progress.  
20.06.2014 | Event | Event
Conference: What have we learned from the crisis and what remains to be done?
This event was co-organized by the AFL-CIO and the Macroeconomic Policy Institute (IMK) of the Hans Böckler Foundation.  
524. Gewerkschaften in Kanada  
Gerd Braune  
28.03.2014 | Event | Event
Germany's new government and the EU: plus ça change?
The conference was co-hosted by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation (FES), the Joint Initiative in German and European Studies, the Munk School of Global Affairs, and the Embassy of the Federal Republic…  
14.02.2014 | Event | Event
Peace and Stability in Afghanistan Post-2014: What Role for Regional Actors?
The discussion was co-hosted by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation (FES) and the Atlantic Council's South Asia Center.  
527. Unpacking the Shale Gas Revolution  
Dominic Marcellino  
22.01.2014 | Event | Event
Competitiveness with High Wages - Labor and Business Cooperation Practices in Germany
The discussion was co-hosted by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation (FES) and the Peterson G. Peterson Institute for International Economics (PIIE).  
04.12.2013 | Spotlight | Spotlight
A Transatlantic Earthquake in the Wake of the NSA Revelations
While revelations about comprehensive NSA surveillance have dismayed people around the world, Germans have been particularly shocked and angry. They deplore the NSA activities as a violation of laws,…  
05.11.2013 | Spotlight | Spotlight
US-Reaktionen auf die Enthüllungen der Bespitzelung von Angela Merkel durch die NSA
In der amerikanischen Debatte über die NSA-Enthüllungen stand bislang mehr oder weniger ausschließlich die Verletzung der Privatsphäre von US-Bürgern im Fokus. Die Aktivitäten der NSA im Ausland…  
Search results 521 until 530 of 560