FES Publications USA and Canada

16.01.2025 | Publication

American workers have delivered a clear message to the Democratic Party with the election of Donald Trump.


17.06.2024 | Blog-iE, Canada

In April, the Broadbent Institute hosted the annual Progress Summit in Ottawa, bringing together progressive thinkers, elected politicians, activists,…


28.03.2024 | Blog-iE, Canada, Publication

A joint research project between the Broadbent Institute and the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Canada


13.11.2023 | Blog-iE, Canada

A thought-provoking roundtable discussion on the nuances of historical memory, hate networks, and the rise of far-right movements in Canada and…


03.07.2023 | Blog-iE, Canada

Toronto just elected a social democratic mayor, the first progressive to hold the office in there in 13 years


03.05.2023 | Blog-iE, Canada

For two weeks from April 19 to May 1 2023, the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) led one of the largest strikes in Canadian history, with…


26.04.2023 | Blog-aD, Energy, Economy

In der Osterpause 2023 bereiste MdB Isabel Cademartori Kalifornien. Es ging um Klimaschutz, Innovation und die wirtschaftspolitischen Beziehungen…


20.04.2023 | Blog-iE, Security, News

It has been about a year since Chancellor Scholz stood in front of the Bundestag and delivered a speech declaring a "Zeitenwende".


18.01.2023 | Blog-iE, Publication, News

After the historic midterm elections, the 118th Congress is in office and has gotten off to a bumpy start, splitting Republican party members. The…


12.10.2022 | Blog-iE, Security

From September 19 to 25 FES Washington welcomed Board Members of the JUSOS to discuss the Midterms, Russia's War in Ukraine, and the Zeitenwende...


A news services on current political, economic and cultural developments provided by the Washington Office of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation. Its target readership are German public officials, professionals, journalists, as well as researchers. FES Perspectives are mostly published in German and written by varying American and German experts.

Publications from the Digital Library

Vorwahlen in den Vereinigten Staaten

Holste, Heiko

Vorwahlen in den Vereinigten Staaten

die zwölf wichtigsten Fragen und Antworten
Berlin;Bonn, 2011

Download publication (225 KB, PDF-File)

Die Krise der amerikanischen Demokratie und die Tea-Party-Bewegung

Greven, Thomas

Die Krise der amerikanischen Demokratie und die Tea-Party-Bewegung

Berlin;Bonn, 2011

Download publication (302 KB, PDF-File)

Die BlueGreen Alliance

Die BlueGreen Alliance

neue gemeinsame Strategien von Gewerkschaften und Umweltorganisationen zur Bekämpfung des Klimawandels und der Wirtschaftskrise
Berlin;Bonn, 2011

Download publication (330 KB, PDF-File)

The bluegreen alliance

The bluegreen alliance

new labor-environment strategies to address climate change and the economic crisis
Berlin;Bonn, 2011

Download publication (330 KB, PDF-File)

The Turkish election

Meier, Michael

The Turkish election

results and next steps
WashingtonDC;Bonn, 2011

Download publication (167 KB, PDF-File)

Vom heißen Eisen zur Reform

Cooper, James; Lopez, Yvette

Vom heißen Eisen zur Reform

die aktuelle Immigrationsdebatte in den Vereinigten Staaten
Berlin;Bonn, 2011

Download publication (350 KB, PDF-File)

The third rail of U.S. politics

Cooper, James; Lopez, Yvette

The third rail of U.S. politics

the current immigration debate in the United States
Berlin;Bonn, 2011

Download publication (330 KB, PDF-File)

Die Umsetzung von "smart power" in Zeiten der ökonomischen Krise

Glenn, John K.

Die Umsetzung von "smart power" in Zeiten der ökonomischen Krise

Berlin;Bonn, 2011

Download publication (250 KB, PDF-File)

Implementing "smart power" amid economic crisis

Glenn, John K.

Implementing "smart power" amid economic crisis

Berlin;Bonn, 2011

Download publication (205 KB, PDF-File)

Nach der Wahl ist vor der Wahl

Annen, Niels

Nach der Wahl ist vor der Wahl

die neuen Mehrheitsverhältnisse im US-Kongress und was sie mit Blick auf 2012 bedeuten
Berlin;Bonn, 2011

Download publication (102 KB, PDF-File)

USA and Canada

+1 202-478-4390

+1 202-478-4390

The lighter side of Washington more

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