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560 results:
10.12.2018 | Spotlight | Spotlight
Co-Determining the Future
Could the German system of corporate co-determination serve as a role model for the US?  
382. JustJobs Network 2018 Signature Volume  
People on the Move - Advancing the Discourse on Migration & Jobs  
05.12.2018 | News | News
VIDEO CLIPS of the 9th Annual Conference on Turkey
Watch the whole conference or parts of the conference here:  
384. German American Relations | The Linchpin for Western Democracy?  
Public Event & Reception: November 15, 2018, 6:30 PM. Coming off fresh state elections in Germany as well as the U.S. midterms we are offering a deep dive discussion on these topics.  
385. Strategy Debates of US-American Parties for the Midterm Elections 2018  
How are political movements positioned? How do they react to changes in the society and with which topics do they position themselves where in the political debate? In this overview of political…  
386. Codetermining the Future of Work: Lessons from Germany  
By Thomas A. Kochan, Wilma B. Liebman, and Inez von Weitershausen  
387. For whose benefit?  
What the murder of rebel leader Alexander Zakharchenko means for the peace process in eastern Ukraine  
30.08.2018 | Publication | Publication
Progressive Strategies in Times of Growing Right-Wing Populism
In light of the remarkable rise of right-wing populism in Germany and its growing presence in parliaments and discourses, the volume at hand contextualizes and compares the growth of right-wing…  
02.07.2018 | Spotlight | Spotlight
Gewerkschaftsarbeit am Scheideweg
Arbeitsgrundlagen von US-Gewerkschaften de facto erheblich erschwert. Zur Supreme Court-Entscheidung Janus v. AFSCME  
390. Trade Unions in Transformation  
Our project “Trade Unions in Transformation” shifts the narrative about trade unions. Moving away from the standard depiction of unions as victims of globalization, we highlight that unions do have…  
Search results 381 until 390 of 560