
Biden's Domestic Agenda : What can America Expect?

What will the domestic policy agenda of the new U.S. administration look like? Highlights of our full-length event "Biden's Domestic Agenda Priorities for Progressive Policies"

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What can Joe Biden accomplish as the 46th president of the United States? What will the domestic policy agenda of the new U.S. administration look like? Our partners Liz Watson, William Spriggs, and Nikki Budzinski joined us on December 1 for a wide-ranging policy discussion on the multitude of crises that the Biden-Harris Administration will inherit when it takes office, and the policy triage that the administration will pursue. Democrats agree that addressing the pandemic and its economic consequences is a top priority. In doing so, in addition to a national strategy, each of the states must begin to turn toward more sustainable economic policies based on their own strengths and conditions. Across the country, action must be taken to help strengthen workers and unions, and to combat the causes and consequences of racism. In doing so, the new government can initiate and implement many initiatives even without majorities in Congress. A tall order, but with good first signals!

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