
Leading Edge: The SPD in the Super Election Year

Join us Thursday, September 30 at 11 am EDT for an interactive conversation!


The polls have closed and voters have decided - the Social Democratic Party of Germany received the largest share of the vote in the Federal elections, and won state elections in Berlin and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. The new federal government is still to be formed, but the federal parliament is younger and more diverse than ever. What is the SPD’s narrative coming out of the campaign? What lessons were learned to lead to the success of the campaign at different levels of government and across the two votes on the German ballot? Is this the leading edge of a more social-democratic transatlantic relationship? 

We were joined on Thursday, September 30 at 11 am EDT for an interactive conversation with Isabel Cademartori, MP for Mannheim ; Dr. Jens Zimmermann, MP for Odenwald; and moderated by Jeremi Suri, Mack Brown Distinguished Chair for Leadership in Global Affairs at the University of Texas, Austin. 


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